
Neuro Physiotherapy is our expertise

What is Neuro Physiotherapy? 

Neuro physios focus specifically on addressing movement and function related concerns, that are caused by neurological conditions. Neurological conditions can affect the brain, spinal cord and nerves within the body, and can lead to many changes in movement control, sensation, muscle strength, thinking and planning, as well as other bodily functions such as respiration, pain and energy levels.

What’s different about a neuro physio and why should I use one?

You may be more familiar with the musculoskeletal or sports physios in your area. All physios aim to improve a patient’s physical function and movement, but they differ in their specific focus and approach due to the nature of the conditions they address. 

Neuro physios focus specifically on neurological conditions that affect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, impacting movement, sensation, and other bodily functions.

Kate Phillips, Physiotherapist, working with IRS client

A Neuro physio will complete a thorough assessment of all of the factors relating to a person’s neurological diagnosis, and will devise a treatment plan aimed to promote neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to “rewire” and form new connections which leads to improvement in movement. Neuro physios have in-depth knowledge of the neurological system and can employ specialised techniques like task-specific training, gait retraining, promotion of biofeedback, recommendations on specialised equipment such as orthosis, gait aids or electrical stimulation devices to help people relearn or compensate for lost functions.

What are the benefits of Neuro-specific Physiotherapy?

  • Improved movement and function
  • Reduced pain and spasticity
  • Increased independence and participation in daily activities
  • Improved quality of life

Our approach


We establish programs in the home, place of residence or local community, to maximise function and achieve the best outcomes for all our clients.


We have a whole person approach, we focus on the goals that matter the most to our clients and we advocate for our clients’ needs. 


We believe every individual has the right to participate in their life and community and that change continues for a person as they integrate and gain independence in these areas. 


Working with a multidisciplinary team allows us to provide a holistic approach to our care. We also work closely with our client’s support system to maximise outcomes.


Besides the support we give our clients, our team receive boundless support to ensure they are assisted in the work they do.

Link to find out more

Click above to find out more about Independent Rehabilitation Services. 

Who we treat

  • Adults (over 16 years of age)
  • Funding types – NDIS, TAC, WorkSafe Victoria
  • From hospital, post-acute care (PAC)
  • Chronic Disease Management (CDM) plan (formerly Enhanced Primary Care)
  • Privately funded
  • Neurological diagnosis

Conditions we treat

  • Traumatic Brain injury 
  • Stroke 
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Cerebral and Cerebellar Tumours / Post Surgical Management 
  • Spinal Cord Injury 
  • Cerebral Palsy 
  • Hypoxic Brain injury 
  • Vestibular disorders
  • Balance disorders
  • Guillain Barre Syndrome 
  • Muscular Dystrophy 
  • Multi Systems Atrophy 
  • Spinocerebellar Ataxias
  • Motor Neuron Disease
  • Functional Neurological Disorder

This list is not exhaustive. If your condition does not appear here, get in touch to discuss your needs.

Our Physiotherapy services


  • Baseline assessment of current level of function, motor control, tone etc.
  • 1:1 training of key components/areas of difficulty 
  • Training of support person/people to complete regular practice
  • Provision of home program
  • Review of current level of function
  • Training of staff/family on best practice manual handling techniques 
  • Review/recommendations of manual handling equipment or available options
  • Assistance with reporting/advocating for purchase of equipment
  • Current function/baseline assessment 
  • Passive Range of motion and Tardieu assessment 
  • Functional assessment
  • Communication with Neurologists, Rehabilitation consultants, GP regarding management recommendations
  • Current function/baseline assessment
  • 1:1 balance training indoor or outdoor based on skills 
  • Provision of home and/or gym/pool based exercise programs
  • Training of support people/person to support programs
  • Regular monitoring of skill acquisition and progression of programs
  • Vestibular, oculomotor, gait and balance assessment 
  • Provision of vestibular rehabilitation and gait/balance exercises 
  • Regular monitoring of skill acquisition 
  • Functional assessment and progression to return to activities
  • Current function/baseline assessment including mobility, balance, spasticity, motor function, vestibular assessment, visual screening and equipment review, including footwear and home environment 
  • Gait aid prescription (if required)
  • Balance training, provision of home program and training of support person
  • Review of falls management plan, floor transfers and equipment needs 
  • Completion of report/advocating for purchase of equipment


  • Current function/baseline assessment 
  • Aquatic therapy safeguarding assessment/safety plan 
  • 1:1 or 2:1 Aquatic therapy sessions
  • Training of support person/people on safely running the aquatic therapy sessions
  • Provision of pool program 
  • Review and progression of program as required
  • Current function/baseline assessment 
  • Mobility/transfer assessment on/off gym equipment
  • 1:1 or 2:1 Gym sessions for provision of exercise program
  • Training of support person/people on safely running the gym sessions
  • Review and progression of program as required 
  • Part and repetitive practice of the key components of walking
  • Coordination tasks
  • Strengthening of weak muscle groups
  • Balance training 
  • Indoor and outdoor walking 
  • 1:1 training sessions and exercise program prescription
  • Completion of baseline assessments 
  • Provision of HEP and/or 1:1 sessions to target key components of muscle power, speed and agility 
  • Management of muscle weakness and/or spasticity
  • Monitoring of skill acquisition and progression of home/gym programs
  • Current function/baseline assessment of motor control, spasticity, high level balance or wheelchair skills
  • Exploration of community sports providers or vendors (if required)
  • Sport specific training at home or within community setting
  • Provision of home exercise/gym program
  • Regular review of skill acquisition and progression of program
  • Ie. Skiing, swimming, horse riding, cycling, tennis, soccer, football, rock climbing, dancing, rollerblading etc
  • Current function/baseline assessment including spasticity, PROM, motor function, cardiovascular assessment
  • Trial of home based equipment ie. free weights, thera-bands, balance foam/discs, steppers, mini-exercise bikes
  • Trial of larger scale equipment within gym, store setting or home based trial where equipment delivery is offered by the supplier ie. treadmill, exercise bike, motomed/FES, tricycles, bicycles
  • Completion of report/advocating for purchase of equipment


  • Current function/baseline assessment
  • Trial(s) of gait aid indoors, outdoors and/or in community setting 
  • Completion of report/advocating for purchase of equipment
  • Current function/baseline assessment including spasticity, PROM, motor function, cardiovascular assessment, medical history and fracture risk screening
  • Trial(s) of equipment options ie. walkers, supported standing equipment, tilt tables etc
  • Completion of report/advocating for purchase of equipment
  • Current function/baseline assessment 
  • MAT and postural assessment 
  • Provision of recommendations and joint working with equipment specialist and OTs
  • Recommendations and trials of positioning supports
  • Training of support person/people to implement positioning strategies across 24 hour period
  • Completion of report/advocating for purchase of equipment
  • Current function/baseline assessment 
  • Training in skills of self propulsion, weight transference, balance, step/stairs, community access (curb ascent/descent)
  • Cardiovascular assessment and training recommendations
  • Review of power assist devices
Link to read our client stories

Meet our team of Physiotherapists

Staff Portrait of Alex Scott, Physiotherapy Team Leader at IRS

Alex Scott
Senior Physiotherapist, Physiotherapy Team Leader

Expertise in pain management, spasticity, pressure care, posture, gait disorders, falls and vestibular and dizziness.
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Staff Portrait of Amy Neve, Senior Physiotherapist at IRS

Amy Neve
Senior Physiotherapist

Expertise in stroke, spinal cord injuries, acquired brain injuries, amputations, neurological degenerative disorders and complex manual handling situations.
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Staff Portrait of Libby Bussau, Senior Physiotherapist at IRS

Libby Bussau
Senior Physiotherapist

Expertise in spasticity, pressure care, postural management and seating, manual handling and transfers, vestibular management, gait disorders, falls and dual diagnoses including neurological conditions and mental health disorders.
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Staff Portrait of Emma Downey, Senior Physiotherapist at IRS

Emma Downey
Senior Physiotherapist

Expertise in MS, spasticity, neuromuscular fatigue and heat sensitivity, dizziness and vertigo, pressure care, gait and movement disorders, pain, falls, complex posture and seating.
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Staff portrait of Josie Weightman, Senior Physiotherapist

Josie Weightman
Senior Physiotherapist

Expertise in Parkinson’s Disease, MS, FND, gait disorders, hemiplegia , ataxia and other coordination disorders, balance disorders, falls and high level mobility and return to sport.
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Staff Portrait of Isabelle Tivey, Senior Physiotherapist at IRS

Isabelle Tivey
Senior Physiotherapist

Expertise in mobility challenges and goals, spasticity and tone, pressure care, posture, equipment needs, gait disorders, falls, ataxia and other coordination challenges.
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Neuro Physiotherapy referrals

Why refer to us

  • IRS has been in operation for 25 years
  • Expertise in managing complex neurological conditions
  • Collaboration with other healthcare providers
  • Evidence-based treatment approaches
  • Tailored programs to meet individual needs