We’re very excited to have Shaeron join our Speech Pathology team!
Shaeron has a great deal of experience having worked as an Allied Health Assistant in an ABI unit where she was so inspired by the work of the Speech Pathologists she saw she studied to become one!
Shaeron, so why did you choose Speech Pathology as a career?
I was working as an interdisciplinary AHA in an ABI unit, and saw the speechies working hard to ensure all the patients had some form of effective communication – if the patient couldn’t communicate, no-one else could really do their job!!
And swallowing! I assisted various patients with swallowing therapy, supporting them (if possible) to return to some of their pre-morbid foods/fluids. The idea of not being able to have a ‘normal’ cup of tea in the morning is scary!!
Tell us about some of your favourite things outside of work.
I think this might be better answered in a years time!! But, at the moment, the wide range of clients and presentations I can be involved with; meeting new people and supporting them in their communication and swallowing goals: knowing I’m making a difference, even it’s only a small one, in people’s lives
Tell us about some of your favourite things outside of work.
As a mother of older teens/young adults, my dog is the one living thing in the house I feel truely appreciates me for me. He’s always pleased to see me, doesn’t mind if I’m grumpy, and never looks disappointed at his dinner
Zwift – for those that don’t know, Zwift is an online cycling/running app, that I do about 5-6 times a week. I have completed some seriously long rides, met some amazing people (online and in real life) and it keeps me fit.
Cooking: more enthusiasm than skill, but it doesn’t stop or deter me. My dishes may not always look like the picture, but is always edible. I hope I have shown my boys that you just have to try in life 🙂
And what is your favourite memory of being a student speechie?
So many!! I think what I will take with me as I start on my professional career is the people I met along the way. I was lucky enough to find an amazing cohort of fellow students, all with life experience like me, who supported me throughout; celebrated my wins with me, and picked me back up when an assignment came back with a lower than expected mark.
I intend to stay in touch with them, and hope to be able to support them, and get support from them long into the future.
Welcome to the team Shaeron, you bring such a unique perspective and experience to our clients and the IRS fam.
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