A big welcome to Rheonna, who has joined IRS. Rheonna is an Occupational Therapist with extensive experience working in inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services.

Rheonna’s experience also includes site specific Associate Researcher for SENSe Implement, stroke based sensory research done in collaboration with The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health and LaTrobe University.

Photo of Rheonna Cahill, Occupational Therapist at Independent Rehabilitation Services

With such a wealth of experience as an Occupational Therapist, we thought it would be worthwhile to get to know Rheonna a little more.

Why did you choose OT as your career?

Rheonna: I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do after high school. OT just seemed to tick all the boxes for me so I put it down as one of my Uni preferences and got in. The rest is history. I feel so fortunate to have ended up in a career that I am so passionate about.

What are your 3 favourite things about Occupational Therapy?


1.) Meeting the most amazing people!

2.) Seeing the smiles, and the way a client lights up when they achieve something they have worked so hard for.

3.) You can’t “turn off” being an OT. You learn so many handy life skills, which I feel have enhanced my life.

A sneaky 4th thing would have to be OTs everywhere, love food! There is always yummy food not too far away. I knew I had made the right decision when I was asked if I had any food allergies even before I officially started working for IRS. Love it!

You’ve had such a great career as an OT, what would you say are your fondest memories to date?

Rheonna: I have so many fond memories, including seeing my Parkinson’s patients grow in independence and confidence throughout their LSVT (Lee Silverman Voice Treatment) Big journey, a persistent pain patient being close to tears expressing his gratitude because I had changed his life, (I didn’t change his life – he worked hard to change his life but it was still a really lovely moment which highlighted the potential impact we can have on others whether or not we realise it) and having a patient of mine who was a retired driving instructor write to the CEO of the hospital to tell her what a good driver I was, after I had driven him to and from a home visit.

This was particularly good as I now had written proof to show my husband I was a good driver, despite what he thought, hehe!

Outside of work, can you share with us your 3 favourite things?


1.) My family

2.) My friends

3.) Enjoying nature. Not fussed where. Happy at the beach, by a waterfall or river or even in my own backyard!

Thanks Rheonna for sharing a little bit about your career as an Occupational Therapist and your passions, especially your love of food, we know you’ll feel right at home with the foodies at IRS.

Read Rheonna’s professional bio: http://independent-rehab.com.au/team/rheonna-cahill/