Unity Through Community is Occupational Therapy Australia’s theme this year which completely resonates with us as community-based Occupational Therapists at IRS.
Hear from our amazing OTs about their take on Unity Through Community:
As a profession, we are united by community. OTs play a vital and dynamic role in helping people engage with and participate in their community – in whichever way is meaningful to them.
Not only do we work across a broad range of settings, we also help people engage in meaningful occupations.
For this week’s Wednesday Lunch, we celebrated Occupational Therapy and our community of OTs with a spot of OT Olympics and a pot luck lunch.

Recognition and appreciation for each team at IRS is so important, our staff and our expertise are our biggests assets, which really allow us to have such a large impact in our clients’ lives.
OT Week has also provided opportunities for learning, understanding and connection across all teams, which is always a good thing!
Learn more about Occupational Therapy and our team of OTs at Independent Rehabilitation Services.
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