By Natalie Pribil, IRS Director of Operations
I recently attended the DSC Annual NDIS Conference 2024. Each year IRS attends this conference, recognising that it is a unique chance to come together to draw on the knowledge, passion and drive of our community which is committed to supporting a successful and sustainable NDIS.
This year’s conference focussed on educating the sector on the fundamental changes that are expected for the NDIS. It gave us a chance to celebrate all that has been achieved to date since the inception of the NDIS in 2013, to hear from participants’ lived experience of how the NDIS has transformed lives, to delve into the recent NDIS review and explore where to from here. We were educated on new terms that are coming, such as foundation supports and navigators.
We crossed live to Bill Shorten (MP) who introduced new NDIS legislation to Parliament on 27th March 2024. The changes proposed in the legislation create the scaffolding needed to follow key NDIS Review recommendations. A plan was outlined that will create a better experience for each participant, that is equitable and sustainable and based on each participant’s support needs. Reasonable and necessary will remain as the core operating principle of the NDIS.
We explored the concept of an inclusive society in great depth, one where systems such as Health, Public Transport, Education, Local and State Governments, Aged Care and the NDIS are working cohesively to create inclusion for all People with a Disability.
The United Nations Convention of Rights of People with a Disability – a Human Rights treaty intended to protect the rights and dignity of people with a disability, to stop segregation and isolation was referenced throughout the Conference.
I left the two day conference, keen to impart the knowledge learned with my colleagues, and to be a positive part in the dedication that is now needed to bring in further change that will push the disability sector forwards.
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