Gabrielle Curran
Occupational Therapist
Gabrielle completed her Master of Occupational Therapy degree in 2023 at La Trobe University.
During her four years of study, Gabrielle gained experience across community, sub-acute and clinical settings. More recently Gabrielle has worked as an allied health assistant with children and their families and valued working with people in their home and natural environments. Gabrielle has had previous work experience in the community and mental health sector where she supported people on their return to work journeys, community engagement and rehabilitation through outdoor adventures.
In 2023 Gabrielle completed a final year placement at Independent Rehabilitation Services and developed a keen interest in neurological rehabilitation. Gabrielle was drawn to the strong client focus and valued IRS values of integrity and expertise. Gabrielle has a passion for maximising independence and fostering community engagement through client led choice and decision-making. Gabrielle has strong interpersonal skills and maintains a strengths-based approach to her practice. She is motivated to support a growth mindset and a passion for learning and thinking outside of the box.
Outside of work Gabrielle enjoys playing tennis, running, cycling, engaging in anything “Outdoors” and close to nature. Gabrielle also loves spending time with her family and going on beach holidays.